Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Brown-nosing according to a six year old

This is the time of year when my students start getting spring fever and getting a little crazy. One of my students that I have a contract with didn't have a good day. On his way out, instead of looking down trodden and sad, he tried another approach. He packed his backpack and said "Teacher, you are the best teacher in the world...and the cutest." Now wasn't that nice way back when, when you could say whatever you wanted to someone else and not worry about their reaction?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Signs of Spring

After a long winter, or really short but cold ones lately, I welcome the signs of matter how unusual they are.
-Birds chirping in the morning
-Blizzards in the morning, sunshine in the evening
-A sunny drive home :)
-Cadbury chocolate eggs
-No more big coats, "All you need is a light jacket!"
-Bugs on my window (yuck!)
-Really long days and really short nights...of sleep
-Kids bouncing off the wall because "it's warm outside!"
-Tattling around the clock from my students, "Teacher, she keeps looking at me!"
-Counting down the days until summer vacation. :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Life Happens...

I initially started this blog to keep friends and family members informed of my trip to Africa. While that was an excellent way to not only let them know I was alive and well, it was fun. I like to write, especially about myself ;) just kidding. But I seem to have been bitten by the blogging bug. Since Africa, a lot of life has happened. Although I am as single as ever, my single adult side has grown. First step, I have made the big final move out of the parents house into an apartment. It was such a big move that we still have the same zip code. Baby steps right? This situation was ideal and I have met some great new friends. Since the big move, my relationship with my roommate Kami is blossoming and we have taken many trips together with our friend Brooke to the Caribbean and we just ran a race in Moab. We are currently looking for a house and hoping to expand our family, our roommate family that is. Not quite what I was expecting for my life at this time but I couldn't have asked for a better roommate and friends for this everlasting long stage of life.

My roommates Steph, Kami and I at our 1st and most likely last annual Ugly Sweater Party.
After all of our races in Moab. Brooke ran the half-marathon and Kami and I ran the 5-mile.
Waiting to go swim with some sting rays in Grand Cayman with Brooke and Kami.