Sunday, May 30, 2010

The church MUST be true!

I was able to go to my friend's cabin this weekend for Memorial Day weekend. He has a place out by Strawberry Reservoir. This morning, Sunday morning, we headed off to a tiny branch 20 minutes out from his cabin. The branch is a tiny barn sized building clearly not meant to hold many people. We get inside, chapel packed, foyer packed, make-shift chapel seating in the hall by the coat rack, packed. We turn the corner, sunday school room, primary room, any room, packed. In fact the floors and the floor in the hallway...packed. We found our little spots in the hallway to sit and take the sacrament and sit on the floor in the hallway. Now why in the world, when we are on vacation, would we take them time to sit on the floor of a church to listen to the kids playing, some in Levi's and sweatshirts, when we can't even hear the speakers? All I could think of was, the church must be true. All of us travel through this life hoping to do the best we can and that this best will be good enough. I watched a father and his daughter, decked out in their Levi's, as his daughter was smashing the air out of his cheeks. Now clearly they, nor I, was listening to the speaker even if we could hear him. However, we were all there for the same reason. We hoped to get some spiritual insight at church but it was more a symbol of our dedication to the gospel; living by example. If we were to have stayed at the cabin and missed church it wouldn't have mattered. I have made that choice before. But when we can, our actions mean something to the outside world and to all those children that did go to church with their parents in Levi's and sweatshirts.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome!! I love the fruitland branch :) And I didn't know you had a blog!! This is great! How are you?
